September 2022: Oracle Deck Reading

Here comes September!

Let's take a peek at what's in store. For this reading, I am using The Priestess of Light oracle cards by Sandra Anne Taylor & Kimberly Webber. Click here to see a description in the shop!

I like to pull three cards at a time. I use my intuition to weave the messages from the three cards together into one overall theme for the month. I am showing short excerpts from each card's description below and then my intuitive overall message!

Card #1: Balance - Stability, Standing Firm

  • "The Priestess of Balance walks a steady line, looking ahead but staying centered. This card is telling you that restoring order and balance to your life will be important at this time."

Card #2: Tenderness - True Love, Compassion

  • "This card foretells the coming of new or increasing love in your life. It may seem to arise out of the blue, or it may be a relationship that has been developing for quite some time. Even if you've been hurt in the past or alone for far too long, true love is on the horizon. Remember that the tenderness you give to yourself will be reflected back to you."

Card #3: Circle of Eternal Joy - Timelessness, Dance of Life

  • "The dove of spirit brings a blissful feeling of anticipation to the Priestess of the Dance. This card brings profoundly encouraging guidance: Your life is eternal and you are always connected to the bliss of your spiritual perspective. No matter what you may be going through, know that you can still find happiness, purpose, and understanding in the dance that is your current life." 

After I read the three cards I pull, I sit for a moment and center myself. To me, it feels like all the pieces are falling into place and then I can feel the overall message.

Danielle's September 2022 Oracle Card Message

Life will always have its ups and downs. This month is no different; however, there is a promise in the energy of this month that tells us of joyful possibilities. Regardless of specific events, if we focus on making small, personal choices that will bring us balance on a day-to-day basis, then love and bliss will be the results. Take care of your tiny moments by honoring your body and spirit. Open yourself to possibilities. The rest will take care of itself. 


This oracle deck is available in the shop!

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