Akashic Energy of 2025

This past December, I offered a 2025 Akashic & Oracle Report for the first time. I created a 12-month forecast for individuals using a combination of Akashic advice (guidance from Spirit Guides) and oracle cards. The reports were mailed out and these individuals now have a month-by-month guide to their specific energy in 2025. So fun!

By spending hours creating these reports, I picked up on patterns in 2025 that seem to apply to everyone, as they appeared in almost every reading. I would love to share these insights so that, even if you do not have an individualized 2025 report, you can have a heads up on the universal themes of the year. Take a look!

  • Heart Energy: Heart chakra energy showed up in a majority of the reports, specifically, tuning into the heart space as opposed to the thinking mind. Most of us would benefit from allowing the heart to be a stronger participant in daily decisions and in overall well-being. While society has taught us that reason and analytical thinking is The Way to make decisions, the Guides would disagree. They would like us to flip our methodology. We typically think through situations and make decisions, possibly checking in at the end with how we feel (heart energy). Try this instead: Tune into what feels good to the heart, what makes you feel settled and peaceful. Once that decision is made, then invite the mind in to help create a path towards that decision. 2025 is a Heart First year.
  • Energy Output is Not Linear! A pattern that came up again and again was the ebb and flow of energy. Some months the advice was to retreat, recharge, and to get in tune with the inner self. Other months were all about going full steam ahead with action plans. We are not required to be at 100% energy 100% of the time. This is a tricky lesson to learn in our current western society. If you have a few days or weeks when your energy feels low and you have that urge to hibernate, then that is what you should do! It is not "wasted" time. You are gathering energy, receiving insights, and getting in touch with the next step in your particular path. All of this is necessary so that, when you do step forward, you do so with clarity, confidence, and purpose. Follow your energy!
  • Hello, October! It's gonna be a MONTH! The energy of October felt incredibly intense for almost everyone whose report I wrote. This is not necessary good and not necessary bad. But a lot. It might feel like a lot. You can expect some shifts and releases. Perhaps this will show up as small, internal shifts or perhaps it will be exciting, large external shifts. Who knows! The results, you ask? Well, if you allow all of this to happen, the results will be totally worth the intensity.
  • November is a big, warm hug. Because we are releasing in October, November is a beautiful month across the board. It feels warm, open, and lovely. It is a month for appreciating all of the good things, moving a bit slower, and settling into present moment awareness. Try not to rush through things this month. Sit back and enjoy!

 The last note I will make is something that is pervasive throughout the Akashic field. In every single reading I do, the most basic advice is this: Be yourself. You are weird for a reason. Your you-ness has a purpose. It is what sets you apart and allows you to make a difference. The most important thing you can do in this world is to release external pressure and just do you. This is your permission slip to be-you-tiful. Totally beautiful.

That's 2025, everyone! May your fortunes not waver; your joy, may you savor; and the odds, may they always be set in your favor.

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